White Bear Shaman
Witte Beer Shamaan,Ak-Adyg Kam, Ак Адыг

Estonia 2022, just after initiation on the left Morsuk Kam, on the right for the first time Ak-Adyg Kam
Ak-Adyg Kam, Ак Адыг кам
"May you bring light into the darkest depths of the soul and rise up to the highest heights"
This is the name I have gotten from my teacher Morsuk Kam with my initiation during the Shaman Festival "Šamaanipäevad" in Estonia 2022
In our tradition the only way to become a shaman (Kam) is by transfer of power by initiation. This from teacher to student. With this the shamanic name is also given.
From that point on you are a shaman in the tradition of Spirit of Wolf.
It was an honor to get this title as it isn't something you can buy. This is earned and given by the teacher at a certain after mediation with the spirits.
Volgens onze traditie ben ik een zwarte shamaan, dit is niets slecht maar de shamaan die met de onderwereld werkt. Ook hier is het niet het beeld dat de kerk heeft geschapen maar dat ik vooral werk met ziekte, extractie, exorcisme, vloeken, beschermer van mensen in gevaar, entiteiten …
White shamans work mainly with the spirits of the upper world, they maintain a strong connection with the upper world, ascended ancestors and the great spirit - infinite blue sky.
They work during the day in sunlight and when the moon is growing. They are often herbalists and above all ceremonialists.
Regardless of "classification" Black and White shamans alike work with all these spirits and do the black and white work alike.
It is mostly about where your work gravitates most to.
Basics of Shamanism
My path with shamanism began in 2017 after getting a healing from Ashley Brothers Who would also become my very first teacher.
With Ashley I followed my basic shamanic training (40h) which included but is not limited to:
instruction and practical application of shamanic journeying, extractions, soul retrieval and en chakra cleansing and illumination.
Thanks to Ashley I've dipped my toes into the water that is shamanism and has set me on track for my first years of practicing shamanism. This with techniques learned from her.
This is also what changed my life!
(Story further below)

Later in 2020-2021 I had the privilege to become Sunni Alm’neh in de Noorse traditie (150h)+ van seiðmahdr (Seidrman) waarin we elke week voor een jaar lang samen in de Noorse traditie.
This included but is not limited to: working with the runes, the Gods of the pantheon, the sagas, the rituals, high seat ceremony, Norse callendar, their celebrations and ways of healing,...
Hierin en meer hebben we ons meer dan een jaar verdiept en hoe dit in mijn bestaande werk mee te nemen.
Spirit of Wolf Shaman
In 2020 I got introduced thanks to Izih-Deer Kam (Mirjam) with the fire rituals (Kamlanie) of Spirit of Wolf This was the beginning of a friendship during between me and Mirjam, we also started a podcast and in 2022 I joined the Community of Spirit of Wolf en sloot ik mij aan in 2022 bij de Community van Spirit of Wolf.
This became the start of several courses in traditional shamanism from Izih-Deer and Morsuk
Working with Izih has brought me closer to my spirituality, This thanks to the course fundament of traditional shamanism given by her and it's structures.
The deep rooted fundament of hundreds, thousands of years transferred. Which have proven themselves for thousands' of healings over these years.
My goal became even more clear and now the white road ahead is opened.